Power of Attorney

In a dynamic and chaotic world, we all from time to time worry about the future. Losing our mental capacity and ability to make decisions in our best interest can be a cause of great concern. At Abbott and Harris, we have experienced solicitors who can provide assistance in drawing up a Power of Attorney in order to protect all your rights and interests.
Power of Attorney is a legal document that provides a way of delegating your authority to act, to another person of your choosing. It allows you to give another person the power to act on your behalf if you no longer want to or are able to. There are a number of reasons why you might need someone to make decisions for you or act on your behalf.
Firstly, it could be just a temporary situation for example you are in hospital and need help with everyday financial things such as making sure bills are paid. Alternatively, you may need to make long term plans for example if you have been diagnosed with dementia and may lose the mental capacity to make your own decisions in the future. In this case, a Lasting Power of Attorney may be suitable.
The power may be general, or it may be limited to certain defined tasks (such as signing a contract on your behalf). Our Solicitors can assist in drafting all types of Powers such as Special or Limited Power of Attorney (e.g. used on a limited basis for a one-off financial transaction or the sale of a particular property)Non- Durable Power of Attorney (e.g. set for a period of time for a particular transaction)Durable Power of Attorney (e.g. this allows another person to manage all your affairs in no set time period)Medical Power of Attorney (e.g. allows for another person to take over all healthcare decisions should you be unable to)Springing Power of Attorney (e.g. this becomes effective at a future time should a specific event occur making it difficult for you to make decisions.)
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If you prefer to contact us by phone then call us on 0203 953 0761 | 0203 953 0762 or email us at info@ahlaws.co.uk.